1. Recent News on Water-related Disasters
Affected Areas |
a.Floods and landslides in Eastern Africa [March-June]
- OCHA, May 31, 2024,
'Eastern Africa: Heavy rains and flooding Flash Update #4 (30 May 2024)'
b.Floods in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran [April]
- IFRC, May 6, 2024,
'Afghanistan | DREF Operation Afghanistan Spring Floods 2024 (MDRAF015);'
- OCHA, April 30, 2024,
'Pakistan: Flash Floods Flash Update No.3 (As of 30 April 2024);'
- Iran International, April 20, 2024,
'Death Toll from Region-Wide Floods Rises To 18 In Southeast Iran'
c.Floods in Oman and UAE [April]
- Al Jazeera, April 16, 2024,
'Heavy rains kill 18 in Oman as flash floods lash UAE;'
d.Floods and landslides in Brazil(Rio Grande do Sul State) [April - May]
- The Guardian, May 19, 2024,
'Brazil counts cost of worst-ever floods with little hope of waters receding soon’'
e.Floods in Afghanistan [May]
- OCHA, June 6, 2024,
'Afghanistan Floods: Flash Update #4 - Flooding across Northern, Northeastern & Western Regions (6 June 2024)'
f.Floods and lahar mudslides in Mt.Marapi, Indonesia [May]
- BBC, May 13, 2024,
'Cold lava' sweeps villages near volcano, killing 41;'
g.A landslide in Papua New Guinea [May]
- IFRC, June 3, 2024,
'Papua New Guinea Landslide - DREF Operation MDRPG012'
h.Cyclone REMAL in Bangladesh and India [May]
- UN RC and CT Bangladesh, June 9, 2024,
'Bangladesh: Cyclone Remal HCTT Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 (June – Dec 2024);'
- The Diplomat, June 3, 2024,
'Cyclone Remal Leaves Trail of Destruction in India’s Northeast'
2. Others
The purpose of IFNet is to share information on flood issues among IFNet members. Your participation and provision of flood information are always welcome.
If you have any information you would like to share, please email to IFNet Secretariat.
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1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
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