1. Recent News on Water-related Disasters
Affected Areas |
a. Floods and landslides in Kinshasa, D.R.Congo [December]
- UN OCHA, December 31, 2022,
'Floods caused by heavy rains in Kinshasa'
b. Successive rainstorms in California, U.S.A. [December-January]
- Reuters January 17, 2023,
'California rainstorm death toll reaches 20, Biden plans visit'
c. Floods and Landslide in the Philippines [December, January]
- Floodlist, December 27, 2022,
'Philippines – Deadly Floods Leave 45,000 Displaced'
- Floodlist, January 23, 2023,
'Philippines – Death Tolls Rises After Further Floods and Landslides'
d. Tropical Storm CHENESO in Madagascar [January]
- Floodlist, January 31, 2023,
'Madagascar – Tropical Storm Cheneso Leaves 30 Dead, 40,000 Displaced'
e. Floods and Landslide in northern New Zealand [January]
- New Zealand Herald, February 1, 2023,
'Weather, Auckland floods live updates: Heavy rain hits Auckland; Northland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty also in line of fire'
2. International Conferences, Forums and Programs
Seminar on Climate Change Perspectives in Managing Rivers and Floods
Ministry of Infrastructure, Land, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Japan, and Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Philippines, organized the “Seminar on Climate Change Perspectives in Managing Rivers and Floods” in Manila on December 1, 2022, in order to strengthen the bilateral relationship and to share activities on river management for adaptation to climate change - a common issue for the two countries. About ninety people from relevant ministries and agencies of both countries participated in the seminar.
Seminar on Climate Change Perspectives in Managing Rivers and Floods |
3. Others
The purpose of IFNet is to share information on flood issues among IFNet members. Your participation and provision of flood information are always welcome.
If you have any information you would like to share, please email to IFNet Secretariat.
If you and your partners are willing to join the IFNet, Please send e-mail
to IFNet Secretariat with following information.
1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
When Transferred
When you are to be transferred, please let us know your new regestration information and also introduce the IFNet to your successor.
Thank you.