the May 2022 Issue |
1. Recent News on Water-related Disasters
Affected Areas |
a. Tropical Storm Gombe in Madagascar, Mozambique and Malawi [March]
- Reliefweb (UN OCHA), Apr. 13, 2022,
'Mazambique: Tropical Cyclone Gombe Flash Update No.9'
- BBC, Jan. 31, 2022,
'Brazil rains: Sao Paulo floods kill 21 and destroy homes'
b. Floods in northern Colombia [since mid-March]
- TeleSUR, May 10, 2022,
'Colombia: Rains Leave 47 Dead and Over 18,000 Families Affected'
c. Floods and Landslides in Rio De Janeiro Brazil [March to April]
- FloodList, Apr. 3, 2022,
'Brazil – Deadly Floods and Landslides Strike in Rio De Janeiro State'
d. Typhoon MEGI (=Agaton) in the Philippines [April]
- Manila Standard, Apr. 22, 2022,
'Agaton’ fatalities jump to 224, over 140 still missing'
e. Floods and Landslides in South Africa [April]
- CBS NEWS, May.13, 2022,
'More than 400 people were killed in South Africa floods last month. Human-caused climate change is a big reason why, scientists say.'
f. Floods and Landslides in India and Bangladesh [May]
- Bdnews24.com, May.23, 2022,
'Millions displaced and dozens dead in flooding in India and Bangladesh'
2. International Conferences, Forums and Programs
4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Kumamoto Japan
The 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit was held on April 23 and 24 in Kumamoto City, Japan, in which high-level delegates
including heads of states in the Asia-Pacific region and representatives from international organizations discussed
various water-related issues.
The delegates adopted the Kumamoto Declaration, calling on the countries to strengthen their efforts in countermeasures
against water-related disasters and improvement of water environment.
Japan’s Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio launched the Kumamoto Initiative for Water. He declared that Japan would commit
to contributing to addressing water and social issues and sustainable economic development in the Asia-Pacific region.
In the closing ceremony, the 4th APWS Chair’s Summary was adopted. It emphasizes that all multi-stakeholders should keep
their steady progress and decision steps towards solving every water challenge and building a quality society in Asia,
the Pacific and the world.
For more information, please access the following links.
- 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit official website
- Kumamoto Declaration
- Kumamoto Initiative for Water (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan)
- Chair's Summary
Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Agreement between ACECoR and IDI
A memorandum of agreement (MoA) was signed between the Centre for Coastal Management (CCM)- Africa Centre of Excellence in
Coastal Resilience (ACECoR) at University of Cape Coast (UCC), and the Infrastructure Development Institute- Japan (IDI),
the interim secretariat of the WACA Japan Knowledge Network, under the auspices of the West Africa Coastal Area Program (WACA) on May 9, 2022.
The WACA Program, implemented and executed by the World Bank, WACA countries, and other WACA partners, aims to simplify and facilitate access to
global experiences in relevant sectors. To achieve this goal, WACA is working to establish "Knowledge Hubs" in partnership with recognized
global leaders in sustainable coastal management. As one of the Knowledge Hubs, the "WACA Japan Knowledge Network" was established in September 2021.
It will facilitate provision of Japanese knowledge, experience, and technology, particularly on integrated sediment management,
to meet the actual conditions and needs of the WACA countries. WACA Japan Knowledge Network is administered by IDI, the interim secretariat.
The MoA was signed by Professor Denis Worlanyo Aheto on behalf of CCM and ACECoR, and by the President HASHIBA Katsuji on behalf of IDI,
witnessed by Sajid Anwar and Kenichiro Tachi, the World Bank, and Thomas Louis Price, Coordinator of Regional Implementation Support Unit, WACA,
and team members of both ACECoR and IDI.
The collaboration will be kicked-off by the Online Workshop on Integrated Sediment Management in WACA Countries on May 26, 2022.
The presentation of signed MoA by Professor Denis W. Aheto , ACECoR (left)
and President HASHIBA Katsuji, IDI (right). |
3. Others
The purpose of IFNet is to share information on flood issues among IFNet members. Your participation and provision of flood information are always welcome.
If you have any information you would like to share, please email to IFNet Secretariat.
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1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
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