1. Recent News on Water-related Disasters
Affected Areas |
a. Floods and Landslides in Bahia, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Reliefweb (acaps), Feb. 7, 2022,
'BRAZIL: Floods in Bahia and Minas Gerais'
- BBC, Jan. 31, 2022,
'Brazil rains: Sao Paulo floods kill 21 and destroy homes'
b. Tsunami in Tonga
- The Diplomat, Feb. 19, 2022,
'Assessing the Aftermath of Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami'
c. Tropical Cyclone ANA in Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe
- Voice of America, Jan. 31, 2022,
'Southeastern Africa Cleans Up From Tropical Storm Ana'
d. Tropical Cyclones Batsurai, Dumako and Emnati in Madagascar
- Yale Climate Connections, Feb.21, 2022,
'Category 3 Tropical Cyclone Emnati headed for vulnerable Madagascar'
e. Floods and Landslides in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The Free Press Journal, Feb. 24, 2022,
'Brazil landslides: Death toll in Petropolis reaches 204, at least 51 missing'
f. Floods in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia
- 9NEWS.com.au, Mar. 8, 2022,
'When is it going to stop raining?'
2. International Conferences, Forums and Programs
IDI-Japan supported MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) in organizing the following online meetings.
The 7th Collaboration Dialogue Workshop on Water-related Disaster Management between Indonesia and Japan
The Workshop was held online on February 10, 2022, by MPWH (Ministry of Public Works and Hosing) of Indonesia and
MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) of Japan based on MOC, as a part of the 8th High Level Meeting
on Infrastructure Development between Indonesia and Japan.
The theme of the workshop was ‘Resilience to Risks of Natural Disasters, etc.’. MPWH gave a presentation on disaster resilient measures
for mount eruption, and MLIT explained urban floods countermeasures. The 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit, held in Kumamoto on April 23-24, 2022,
was also introduced by MLIT.
Group Photo of the 8th High Level Meeting on Infrastructure Development between Indonesia and Japan |
The Philippines and Japan Webinar on Managing Rivers and Floods
The Webinar on Managing Rivers and Floods was held online on February 10, 2022 moderated by
DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways) of the Philippines.
The participation from DPWH, NEDA (the National Economic and Development Authority) and other agencies of the Philippines
and MLIT, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), Embassy of Japan, etc. of Japan discussed the topics of
river management and flood control as well as implementation of flood control project.
Group Photo of Philippines-Japan Webinar |
3. Others
The purpose of IFNet is to share information on flood issues among IFNet members. Your participation and provision of flood information are always welcome.
If you have any information you would like to share, please email to IFNet Secretariat.
If you and your partners are willing to join the IFNet, Please send e-mail
to IFNet Secretariat with following information.
1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
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