1. Recent Water-related News
1-1 Floods in Afghanistan
- August 30, 2020 ABC,
'Afghanistan flash floods and mudslide buries homes, kills 160 as search for bodies continues'
1-2 Hurricane Laura in Caribbean and USA
- September 25, 2020 Weather.com,
'Hurricane Laura the First Southwest Louisiana Category 4 Landfall on Record With Destructive Winds, Storm Surge'
1-3 Floods in Sudan
- September 25, 2020 Aljazeera,
'Floods-hit Sudan facing ‘unprecedented challenges’, UN warns'
1-4 Floods in Nigeria
- September 30, 2020 All Africa,
'Nigeria: 40 Dead, Rice, Maize Farms Destroyed As Jigawa Experiences ‘Worst Floods in 32 Years'
1-5 Storm Alex in Italy and France
- October 16, 2020 CAPRA,
'Deadly floods generated by Storm Alex in France and Italy'
1-6 Floods in Vietnam
- October 21, 2020 CNN,
'More than 100 dead as Vietnam reels from ‘worst floods in decades'
1-7 Floods in India
- October 16, 2020 The Watchers,
'Death toll jumps to 77 as unseasonal, record rains hit parts of India'
2. International Conferences, Forums and Programs
The 9th Meeting of Typhoon Committee Working Group on Hydrology (Webex Online Meeting)
The 9th Meeting of Typhoon Committee WGH (Working Group on Hydrology) was held online on October 22, 2020,
hosted by Japan’s MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and chaired by Dr. Ikeda from ICHARM (International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management).
IDI-Japan assisted the meeting as LOC (Local Organizing Committee) Secretariat. It was originally planned to be held face-to-face in Kumamoto, Japan in conjunction with
4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit which had been postponed until 2022.
The meeting successfully went on with participation of over 30 people from 10 countries/regions focusing on this year’s theme,
'Knowledge Sharing on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction under Climate Change and COVID-19.'
Presentations were given regarding each country situation and Annual Operating Plans.
Here are WGH Annual Operating Plans in 2020:
AOP1; Knowledge Sharing on Storm Surge Inundation Modeling by USA,
AOP2; Application of Hydrological Data Quality Control System in TC Members by South Korea,
AOP3; Enhancement of Flood Forecasting Reliability with Radar Rainfall Data and Stochastic Technique by South Korea,
AOP4; OSUFFIM Phase-II: Extension of OSUFFIM Application in TC Members by China,
AOP5; Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Water Resource Variability in TC Members by China,
AOP6; Flood Risk Watch Project for Life-saving by Japan, and
AOP7; Platform on Water Resilience and Disasters under the International Flood Initiatives (IFI) by Japan.
Welcome Address by Dr. Murase of MLIT Japan |
Chairperson Dr. Ikeda of ICHARM |
IDI-Japan administered the meeting |
Group Photo |
About Typhoon Committee
Typhoon Committee is an intergovernmental body organized under the joint auspices of the United Nations ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
and WMO (World Meteorological Organization) in 1968 to promote and coordinate the planning and implementation of measures required for minimizing the loss of life and
material damage caused by typhoons in Asia and the Pacific.
Typhoon Committee is currently composed of 14 members: Cambodia, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Hong Kong (China), Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic,
Macao (China), Malaysia, The Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the United States of America.
Source:Typhoon Committee website http://www.typhooncommittee.org/about-us-2/
3. Others
The purpose of IFNet is to share information on flood issues among IFNet members. Your participation and provision of flood information are always welcome.
If you have any information you would like to share, please email to IFNet Secretariat.
If you and your partners are willing to join the IFNet, Please send e-mail
to IFNet Secretariat with following information.
1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
When Transferred
When you are to be transferred, please let us know your new regestration information and also introduce the IFNet to your successor.
Thank you.