the June 2018 Issue |
1. Recent Water-related News
1-1 Floods in East Africa
May 10, 2018 euronews,
"Dozens killed after dam burst in Kenya's Nakuru County: Rescue service"
May 24, 2018 NOAA,
"Rare tropical cyclone makes landfall in Somalia in May 2018"
1-2 Floods in Afghanistan
Mar 22, 2018 The Frontier Post,
"Rain, flood cause huge loss of property in Imam Sahib"
1-3 Flash Floods in USA (Ellicot City, Maryland)
May 29, 2018 USA TODAY,
"Stunning videos, photos reveal enormity of Ellicott City flood devastation"
1-4 Floods in Sri Lanka
May 27, 2018 Sunday Times,
"Thousands face more misery from deadly flooding and downpours"
1-5 Floods in Europe
May 30, 2018 Sott,
"Floods Everywhere: Europe Battered By Sheets Of Rain, Hail and Thunderstorms"
June 12, 2018 The Local,
"France soaked by record rainfall as deluge continues"
1-6 Subtropical Storm Alberto (Cuba and USA)
June 1, 2018 Aljazeera,
"Subtropical depression Alberto: Latest updates"
1-7 Hidroituango Dam Crisis (Colombia)
June 2, 2018 The Bogota Post,
"Hidroituango dam remains on red alert as surrounding communities brace for the worst"
2. International Conferences, Forums, and Programs
JICA Training Course: Water Related Disaster Risk Reduction supported by IDI-Japan
A JICA training course, "Water Related Disaster Risk Reduction" was held from May 13 to June 9, 2018
with support of IDI. 12 participants from 12 countries took part in this course
to study Japanese policies and countermeasures against water related disasters.
The 12 countries were Bhutan, Brazil, Chile, Macedonia, Iran, Liberia, Morocco, Myanmar, Peru, Sri Lanka,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM),
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED),
and private firms gave lectures and instructed exercises on a wide range of topics, such as precipitation observation,
policymaking, and community disaster prevention.
The participants visited Shinano River. The purpose of this technical field study is to learn about Japan's river improvement and management
by touring all the way through the river. Among the sites they visited are the Shinano River System including Yasuragi Bank (Peacefulness Bank),
Ohkouzu Diversion Channel, Kasabori Dam, Ikarashigawa Retarding Basin, Imokawa Sabo Works, Sanjo City and Mitsuke City.
Additionally, they observed the large scale flood fighting and rescue / relief drill of Tone River which is conducted every year before flood season.
They also experienced sandbag making for flood fighting.
Tone River Flood Fighting Drill on May 19
Lecture in Sanjo City on May 24
Closing Ceremony on June 8
3. Others
IFNet is an open network, purpose of the activities is to share experiences
and information on flood issues. We look forward to your active participation
and flood related information to be shared among participants. If you have
any information you would like to share with IFNet members via Newsletter,
please email to the IFNet Secretariat for contact.
If you and your partners are willing to join the IFNet, Please send e-mail
to IFNet Secretariat with following information.
1. Name, 2.Nationality, 3.Organization, 4.Position, 5.Address, 6.Telephone number, 7.E-mail Address
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When you are to be Transferred, please introduce the IFNet to your successor. Thank you.