GFAS provides a global flood risk map which shows precipitation return
period calculated from
satellite precipitation data of TRMM(*1).
GFASfs horizontal resolution is about 25 km and we update its data every 24 hours.
On the other hand, JAXA has been delivering another satellite-based precipitation
data, GSMaP
(Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation *2). Its horizontal resolution
is about 10km and it is
updated every hour.
We hope you will take a look at the GFAS-II web sites, and welcome any
comments from you.
For usage instructions please refer to the following material.
GFAS-II currently has four display languages. If we could have your cooperation
in translation, we will try to add display in your countryfs language.
Upon request, we can also propose ideas for customization for particular river basins or dam catchment areas.
If you have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to the following address.
Junko Katayama (Staff in charge of GFAS-II) e-mail :