the November 2014 Issue |
1. Recent Water-related News
1-1Landslide in Japan (Hiroshima)
2014.8.26 The Asahi Shimbun “Hiroshima mudslides death toll climbs to 63
as police release causes of death” (Link)
2014.8.27 The Japan Times “Hiroshima slide toll rises to 71
dead, 15 missing; mayor admits delayed alert” (Link)
2014.9.20 The Asahi Shimbun “Hiroshima to build 31 small dams
as precaution against more landslides” (Link)
1-2Flood in South Korea
2014.8.25 Yonhap News Agency “Gori nuclear reactor halts from
influx of rainwater” (Link)
2014.8.28 Korea Joongang Daily "Five bodies found in waters near bus wreckage" (Link)
1-3 Flood in India and Pakistan
2014.9.7 BBC "India Pakistan floods: Kashmir city of Srinagar inundated"
2014.9.9 Reuters “Hundreds die in India, Pakistan after
heaviest rain in 50 years” (Link)
2014.9.24 RW(USAID) “Pakistan: Daily Emergency and Response
Situational Information Report, 24 September 2014” (Link)
1-4 Flood in India
2014.9.24 RW(AFP) “Floods kill at least 55 in northeast
2014.9.25 RW(ECHA) “25 September 2014: India – Floods and
landslides” (Link)
2014.10.2 The Times of India “Flood-hit Assam to get Rs 674cr
central aid”(Link)
1-5 Landslide in Sri Lanka
2014.10.29 BBC “Sri Lanka landslide: '100 feared dead'” (Link)
2014.10.29 Reuters “More than 100 believed killed in Sri Lanka
landslide: minister” (Link)
2014.11.1 BBC
“Sri Lanka landslide: 38 feared dead as death toll revised down”(Link)
2. Training Courses, Workshops and Seminars
2-1UNESCAP/WMO 9th Integrated Workshop
The UNESCAP/WMO 9th Integrated Workshop was held from 20 to 24 Oct. in
Bangkok, Thailand. Representatives from the Typhoon Committee Member Countries,
China, D.P.R. Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Lao, Macao, Malaysia, Philippines,
Republic of Korea, Thailand, US, and Viet Nam participated in the meeting.
Following the opening ceremony and key note lectures held on 20, parallel
sessions by three working groups (Meteorology, Hydrology and Disaster Risk
Reduction)were conducted on 21 and 22, where the groups had discussions
about their recent activities and future plans. In the General discussion
held on 23, chairpersons from each working group reported the discussion
results, and Annual Operating Plan (AOP) for 2015 and after were also discussed.
For more information:(Link)
2-2JICA training course: Adaptation to Climate Change from Sep. 29 to Oct. 24, 2014 supported by IDI-Japan
JICA Tsukuba training course "Adaptation to Climate Change" was held from September 29 to
October 24, 2014 and IDI-Japan supported to conduct this course. 13 participants from 9 countries
(Chile, El Salvador, Fiji, Indonesia, Mauritius, Samoa, Serbia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam) took part in this course
to study Japanese measures for adaptation to Climate Change. Ministry of Environment (MOE),
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Tohoku University, United Nations University,
Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Ibaraki University,
Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), National Institute for Environmental Study (NIES),
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), National Institute for Land and Infrastructure
Management (NILIM), National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) and Tokyo Metro gave lectures
on adaptation measures in a wide range of fields. The participants visited 13 sites, such as Life Safety
Learning Center, Tsurumi River Basin Information Center, Kirigaoka Flood Control Reservoir, Water Distribution
Control Center of Fukuoka City, TOTO History Museum, Sea Water Desalination Plant in Fukuoka,
Chubu Wastewater Treatment Center of Fukuoka City, Yamaguchi Regulating Reservoir, Fukuoka Headrace
Management Office, Chikugogawakaryu Canal Operation and Management Office, Odakuma Main Canal,
Saga Water Museum, and Ikari and Kawaji dams to understand how to implement adaptation measures. |
3. Others
IFNet is an open network, purpose of the activities is to share experiences and information on flood issues. We look forward to your active participation and flood related information to be shared among participants. Please email to the IFNet Secretariat for contact.
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